SAY HI ! TO JOY ! ! xD

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Dementia-Alzheimer's Disease

What is Dementia?
Dementia is a progressive brain dysfunction (in Latin 'dementia' means irrationality), which results in a restriction of daily activities and in most cases leads in the long term to the need for care. Many diseases can result in dementia, the most common one being Alzheimer's disease.
Deterioration of intellectual faculties, such as memory, concentration, and judgment, resulting from an organic disease or a disorder of the brain. It is sometimes accompanied by emotional disturbance and personality changes.

-People with Alzheimer suffer mainly from impaired memory and orientation, limitations of concentration, planning and judgement, personality changes and later also perceptual, speech and walking disorders; in the final stage, various other body functions such as swallowing and the excretion process are also affected. During the course of Alzheimer's disease, patients lose their independence in managing everyday life. There are effects on perception and social relationships; people become more and more dependent on care.

Joy's Point Of View:

Man! all this is scaring me. After reading so much, I feel that sometimes I'm like that and there's so much more to find out about. Its not that I'm suffering from Alzheimer's disease is that some of the symptoms sound familiar to me, but it is said that it's a common disease of the people aged above 65. ( The greatest known risk factor for Alzheimer’s is increasing age. Most individuals with the disease are 65 or older. The likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s doubles about every five years after age 65. After age 85, the risk reaches nearly 50 percent )
I'm worried for myself, my mom and my grams. Is it contagious? Yes. Its passed through the family line. (Another risk factor is family history. Research has shown that those who have a parent, brother or sister, or child with Alzheimer’s are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s. The risk increases if more than one family member has the illness. When diseases tend to run in families, either heredity (genetics) or environmental factors or both may play a role. )
And grams is proved to have suffering from dementia. Everything in her have changed her life, but does she know it? Its killing my mother! that she have to take care of her. How am I to tell my mother its inccurable, though she knows it. How am I to tell her that she'll have to face it that grams's sick. And she's not the same as before that, grams condition is incurrable and she's got to know her memory fails, FACE THE FACT. Mommy's emotions are like a roller coaster ride, facing my grams every single day. Being the filial one among her siblings is not a good thing for her. Kids, children, why give birth when they SUCK!(thats the "word" I feel like using) efforts for raising them up is a waste of time and cash. I pray I won't be like my aunties and uncles when I grow up. I won't even mind losing my job if my parents need me BADLY.
Why must Old People go through this in their life? After living for so long surviving on planet Earth and now they face this obstacle of an inccurable disease! Old People are like the MOST RESPECTABLE mortals on planet Earth they look so happy, happier than a Kid holding on to a GIANT LOLLIPOP. Sigh. This just pisses me off.

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