SAY HI ! TO JOY ! ! xD

Friday, August 31, 2007

The first and the last.

My first ever trip to the POLYCLINIC, alone!!! I swear, its going to be my first and my last time. It was totally horrible. Horrible is just the word I'll use to describe. You can call me spoilt you can call me sheltered, I don't care. But if you have been going to the private clinics all your life(I mean since young), I believe you would feel the same way as I do. I mean like, not many people go to the polyclinic. So I believe that majority of you haven't been to the polyclinic.
Anyway, back to me going to the polyclinic.
Alright so whatever is blogged here stays here. Whatever is read here stays being read and not said out. I ponned school today... Hmmmphh.. and much money don't want to be spent at a private clinic when some one's not really sick.(by the way, the ratio of money spent at a private to the government is about 1:6)-yep I'm serious and this is only it's consultation fees. This is why I went to the polyclinic. The worst is that I went to Ang Mo Kio's polyclinic. Do you know how scary that is! Especially when you're all alone in an alienated place. You see beng bengs, aunty, uncle, lao bei-beis and ah-mas. Freaky freaky.
today is known as freaky friday.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


the other day-alright just yesterday- I was "playing" with my brother. HAHA. YES! My 25 year-old brother, childish right? haha anyway, I was like making fun of him and eeeeeee-ritaing the hell out of him cause he first disturbed me. haha. So I detered him from going up to his room by standing at the stairs and blocked him. Then he had nothing to do cause he was holding onto a bowl of dessert. haha. His wife couldn't help him. haha In other words she had no way to help. So I bro helplessly, dumbly stood there and cried for help! GAY SHIT! Then when I looked at him in his emo-plastic glasses. I realised that my bro is fucking nerdy! haha.
So I asked him. "kor kor. Are you like the nerdist in your school??" hahahhaahahahhaha and he replied, "WHAT! ya... how you know" (in the timidest way ever) hahaha.
To believe that I have such a MARRIED BROTHER!! Thank God!
My brother is a NERD.

I AM SUPER-COOL! Be jealous!

Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]
You are Super-Cool!
Woah! Step back - the future's so bright for you it's blinding me! You are the coolest of the cool. Everyone looks up to you as the benchmark for being coooool. The fonze was your grandfather. Any cooler and you'd freeze! WOO it's chilly in here.
Cool quizzes at

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

God!! More time is needed here!!!

exams are joyous!!!
it seems to me that I have a time problem!!
I didn't have enough time to complete my compo.
and I didn't have enough time to complete my geog. paper as well.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Running out of time.

Prelims are starting tomorrow.
L1 IS TOMORROW!!!!! oh and what is joychangyuling doing?? Uploading songs into my mp3.
How am I going to fair in my prelims? And I still dream of attending JC for the first 3 months. I guess I can just tell myself DREAM ON!!
Its Social Studies and English tomorrow then Geog, Accounts and Chem the following days.
I hate EXAMS!
Wish me luck all you humans!


OMG! I don't know how true this website can be. But it seems like it cheered me up. Why not try it for yourself and see if its true! TRUST ME! ;)
Click on the link! (that's if you want to calculate your love today)
to calculate your love today!!

p/s. you can try more than once.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

God and I


trying to find out whats happening to me
i will not tell you
find it all out yourself
you need more love


if this ain't love then tell me what love is

Both were once unsure if they have loved. They left each other-separated, living individual lives. But deep in them they do know that they still love. They knew that it wasn't summer love. They were very sure. None have put that much effort in loving one before. That fateful day, one thought about the other and a text came in. What else could that be besides true love. There was telepathy going on.
To me if both have loved and one thinks about the other at the same, vice versa. There must be telepathy. True love was in action.
"if that ain't love then tell me what love is..."
'It's just coincidence,' some may say. I don't think so.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

vintage vantage;

Joy has to design Class 5n1's yearbook page.

Theme: Vintage.
Due Date: 17 August
Days left: 3 days!

What have I done?
So far I've drawn a lamp post, swallow, bird cage and a luggage. Oh my, I know, tell me what so vintage is it about these few items? I don't know as well but I just feel that they give me an old feel, a vintage feel, like antique.

What is it that's like head throbbing? Its that all the photos are too large. Many have given me 4R sizes of pictures. What's wrong with that? The problem is that the work space I'm given is an A4 paper. So I don't have much to draw. The example they gave was full of curly wurlys, you know those commonly used design? I don't want to use curly wurly cause it seems like there's no originality.

I hope the class likes my current design. The problem now is that I don't have all the pictures! Cause I've returned most of them and I don't have today to complete it.

I'm thinking of what I should do now.. sighh.

I've also thought of a vintage poster kind of design, then I will need a class picture and only use a class picture, then I will not need the others to re-size their pictures already. ahhhh, so troublesome.
This is what I've drawn earlier... but nobody knew what was it and from their faces I know they didn't like it. Therefore I redrew.


did I mention?

JerJur died as well):
it died on Sun/Sat ):


Saturday, August 11, 2007

JerJur is dying.

Boger died. JerJur is dead-soon.
Mother called me a murderer maybe I'm one.
My goldfish don't even have the chance to celebrate their birthday.
They are only about 7 months old, and they're dead already.
Maybe I really am a bad owner. A lousy one.
My brother didn't flush Boger down the toilet bowl or bury it. He just threw it away.
I guess we're just going to do the same with Jerjur.
But WAIT!!! Where's my brother??

mundane life.

How pathetic can I get?
Believe it or not! Joy Chang Yuling is at home on a Saturday afternoon. haha SO IS ERIKA SHIMADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Advice needed!!

How do I clear the dead goldfish out of the tank?
Besides using a net(I don't own one) is there any other way? My useless brother said to use my cup, bowl, scoop... something! But I still don't know what to do. Cause Boger is really gross and disgusting! He/She is all white, eyes all white, floating on his/her belly. I've asked bro for help to get it out of the tank but he said that he doesn't know as well, how useless!

Anyway about my brother ... haha I should tell you'll about the conversation we had, fucking funny.
Joy(me): kor! My goldfish died! What should I do? How do you take it out of the tank? I don't know how to.
BEN CHANG(kor, joy's brother): I also don't know. You ask me for what! Use a net or something.
Me: Don't have net.
kor: then use your cup(I was holding on a glass of water) or something la! Like a bowl, cup or anything.
Me: you help me la!
kor: don't want. Your goldfish you do la!
Me: don't want the goldfish is freaking gross! It's all WHITE!
Kor: of course la! don't know your goldfish die how long ago already.
Me: OMG you know that my goldfish died and you didnt do anything or say anything!!!
Kor: I thought your goldfish was sleeping what!
Me: OMG how dumb (giggles) can you (giggles) get?? Goldfish sleep ah...!

and conversation continues...... to ask grandfather or father to do it!

Dear Boger,

I'm sorry that I've been such a bad owner. I love you and I hope that you'll be better and will be well-fed in heaven(are you christian?). I hope to see you as my pet goldfish in heaven when I go up there. I love you very much please forgive me for not taking good care you, I'm sorry. Boger you've been a good pet goldfish other than dirtying the tank all the time and I have to clean it. Although I haven't been cleaning your 'house' leaving you a dirty environment you have lived strong in staying alive. I'm so proud of you!
Love you loads Boger.
your lousy lovely owner,

In Memories of Boger...

boger died.
27th December 2006 - 8-10th August 2007


(guess what!) I WENT TO SINGFEST!!!!!!!!!!

Although we did not stay throughout cause we had to do the nerdiest stuff alive!!! So we just went for The Great Spy Experiment(the only singaporean BAND!), The Academy is..., Gym Class Heroes and Avenge Sevenfold. Sadly, we missed Cobra Starship cause they didn't go according to their timetable!!!

The timetable was like... 2-3pm The Great Spy Experiment 3-4pm One Buck Shot 4-5pm Crowned King 5-6pm The Noisettes then 6-7pm Cobra Starship as posted in the newspaper.

So we left after Great Spy and then planned to come back at 6 when Cobra Starship is going to play. However the line-up was somehow changed and we knew nothing about it we continued with our grocery shopping while Cobra Starship is playing and got back only when The Academy is... is playing. I even evesdropped someone on their conversation on wich band was the best and they said Cobra Starship! Fuck it. ):

But The Academy is... AWESOME!!! Gym Class Heroes was alright... Avenge Sevenfold(the great favourite) was screamyy lols but good.

The Academy Is...

Lead Singer of The Academy Is...

Gym Class Heroes

Avenge Sevenfold

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

let me show you my evil twin!!

teehaha. Are you prepared to see my EEEEEEEVEEEEEILLL TWIN???

Don't laugh!
don't just spot me alone but try to spot... van, bay, zara... hahahhahahhahahhaha

all out of fun-find out your chances for love

I don't know how true this website can be. But it seems like it cheered many up. Why not try it for yourself and see if its true! TRUST ME! ;)Click on the link! (that's if you want to calculate your love today)
website: calculate your love today!!

p/s. you can try more than once.

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