SAY HI ! TO JOY ! ! xD

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


My tattoo is a day old now!!! I wanted to keep it discreet in school but it seems like the both classes have found out. Have been showing. Everybody going "eh let me see!" "oh my! is it pain?" "ooh cool." "its a bit small" "how does it feel??" "how much you paid" I felt like err okayy.. But some said its small. I was thinking is it really small? Darll(Deanna) was saying that I should have done it bigger. But to think of it she should of told me on the spot right?? When I was with her! ass. But I'm still happy with it! It looks fake, un-real & cartoon but its REAL!!!! I went through the pain bravely! My Experience of pain=GOOD!! the after effect to me After effect=PAIN-hurts I know I may sound weird BUT yeah that's the feeling for me. To be honest I like the feeling and I thought of going to get another one. Anyone want to pay for me?? Its CHEAP for this SMALL one!!!!!!!! $30 any sponsors? btw. Tattoos do bleed.

Had school again. THIS IS THE LAST WEEK ! ! After that its still not freedom yet. I've got to go work my ass off to get bucks rolling in my pocket for CHRISTMAS shopping! and shopping! hahaha. SCHOOL WAS BORING! period.
Oh in school I was talking to my sitting partner and friends. As my sitting partner is Indian so majority of her close friends are Indians. OKAY. ALL of them are Indians. They were like cursing and swearing cause Mr. Chan postponed the chem prac. test on Friday when they've already made plans on what to do after school. To watch an Indian Mooo-Vie!!!! I was like I wanna go I didn't know they show Indian Films in S'pore (if you know SHUTup! I'm not 'suaku'). But the sad thing is that the Indian Films doesn't have ENGLISH SUBTITLES! WTH!-I know. Its like S'pore and they don't have English subs? We're a racial society! (I think)
Went to Serene after school, after a long time cause Jeric wants to see Rah . haha. Pop-ed by pee-ed and then left. I could not stand that boy's face it makes me want to sit on him. POO-POO Then went to Lido to meet Vannie Dear! ((:
Was at Lido today. Van studied. We monkaed! While going down I saw this girl sitting on the floor crying and this bung comforting her cum begging for forgiveness. Until when I saw the girl's face I realise that it was Atikah[sp?], my primary school best friend. Its been a while since I last saw her and now she's lesbian. haha. It was quite shocking BUT yep. This's the way life is. ):)

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