SAY HI ! TO JOY ! ! xD

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

wow! its nice to see a st.margs

Alright. Is my school GOOD/BAD? (in reputation)
Today, I met 2 people that said this almost exact same words, 'wow! its nice to see a St.Margaret girl.'

One was a stranger, an EX-STUDENT, that studied in St.Margs 35 YEARS AGO!!!! (wth!) LOL. She just saw me at the bus stop and then started talking to me, thank God that my mp3 wasn't blast or else I would not have heard her talk to me. I took out my ear piece and she's like 'Sorry I didn't know that you're listening to the radio.' and then she said: 'ohh sorry, carry on..' So I didn't bother and continued listening. Then she started talking again. Telling me that I should listen to BBC radio, and its good for me and my english and its not boring. She also said that if I'm listening to a new reporting station, it'll bore me out. (she makes no sense!-contradicting) Then what class I'm from and stuff. Then she said, like don't worry and stuff just get 20 points and below and Yishun JC will take me. -_-

Nevermind. Soon my bus came, I scooted off. lols.

163. I saw Pricilla(sp?-sorry), I think thats her name. This CF girl. haha. And she asked if I'm still in CF haha. So when I saw her she went like, 'OH MY its nice to see a Polka Dot in the bus.' I was like haha. Then we started a conversation. She's in SAJC now for her first three months and not many St.Margs is in SAJC. So.. bla bla blah.

Bused home, walked home. Parents aren't at home as they went out to have dinner with Aunty Sylvia and Uncle Ron-Bon. Cause they're leaving soon, I think, back to England.
I didn't take dinner as of the fattening stuffs I ate today. Like kuay teow with gyoza, fillet O fish without tar tar sauce and extra cheese and white chocolate Toberlone.

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