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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

scewed lappy

Did I rant about my laptop not being able to get connected to the wireless world?
It happened like yesterday half-way chatting half-way playing my game.
(thank goodness I was not like watching and drama I would have like thrown my laptop away)
I cursed and swear like hell! (I know bad joy bad bad joy!)
I restarted my lappy for like what 3-4 times? The wireless still didn't connect and the worst thing was that there were no other networks that could be detected and I knew something was wrong!
fuck it. Omg talking about it now makes me piss! So I just shut my lappy down and watched CRIMINAL MINDS! (oh did I tell you that it is an awesome drama?-anyway it is ahhhhhh) So today when I woke up I switched it on again and no network was detected!
I ALMOST THREW MY LAPPY! I got so pissed I shut it down and switch the turtle desktop!
Someone please tell me whats wrong with my lappy! I haven't seen my bro since like the day before yesterday!!!!! (we talked online! haha though we're a room and a level a part haha)

(it must be erika shimada's fault hahhaha)

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