SAY HI ! TO JOY ! ! xD

Monday, July 30, 2007

Pass me a stick and a lighter right now, please.

I seriously hate YOU. There's just this communication barrier between us. We just can't talk to each other nicely. Why can't you just understand that I've grown and ....
I can't take it anymore. She's literally killing me softly inside.
I guess I'm just going to take out the expired box of cigarettes and burn my throat.
FUCK. I just don't know what I'm suppose to do. Sit her down and talk to her? If that works I would have done it eons ago. God! Please, I beg of You to just get her to understand me! Let her fucking mind know that i'm fucking SEVENTEEN and I'm not a kid anymore. Not a kid that she can yell at at anytime she desires. Not a kid that would forgive and forget, with a candy. Not a kid that sleeps over matters, and everything goes fine the next day.
I don't want myself to grow to hate you.
I guess... my life is destined to be in this way

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