SAY HI ! TO JOY ! ! xD

Monday, May 21, 2007

stagnant-rant rant rant about my CHINESE LIFESTYLE(:

Do you see spider webs all around this blog??
OMG! I may have a chance on turning into SPIDERGIRL! haha
Will I meet a handsomey, cute, hot guy as pretty as Kirsten Dunst? haha. (DUMB! what rah would say-LAME joy LAME!, not funny, hahaha)

From the pictures in my blog I can INFER that I have not been blogging for almost 2 freaking weeks!! Oh you know why!? Cause there maybe a possibility that I am actually studying CHINESE!?! WAIT A MINUTE! It's a FACT that I am!!!

Everyday its like when I eat, I eat Chinese food;when I drink, I drink Chinese tea;when I talk, I speak Chinese;when I sleep, I dream of 'lao shi';when I walk, I look for Chinese directions;when I watch teevee, I watch Chinese dramas(what happen to H.K serials?);when I blog, I feel like typing in Chinese!!!

I've not been blogging and when ever I feel like blogging I will feel that there's no time in doing so.. and God knows I have a ton and one things to blog about!!!! It's like now cause of O's this year I don't have the privilege to go with my blogging moods.. (don't ask what is blogging moods) It like I have no right to do anything else EXCEPT to do CHINESE! (:(:(: Omy'tian' !!! I'm so going to turn into a CHEENA PORK AHHH...

Alright if you're going to ask...
Q: What did you do during your weekend.
A: before; SHOPPING, FUN, talk cock sing song, EAT, waste time GALAVANTING

Q: What are your frequent activities when you're in town.
A: before; shopping, pool, drink, MOO0-vieSSS!!
now; study at McCafe-how happy!

Q: How do you fling your MOO-LAHHS these few weekends.
A: before; THE SPLURGES!-clothes, accessories, shoes, shades, etc...
now; SNACKS!-to keep me FAT&CHUBBY! (FUCK NO!) Its like to keep me awake and perky!

last Q: How do you end off your day-out.
A: before; SMILE ON MY fat FACE and talk NO-n-SENSE!
now; TALK EVEN MORE NON-n-SENSE THAT REALLY DOES MAKE MORE NON-n-SENSE! -crap! I don't know what I am talking about now, oh shit!

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