alright random stuff.
went to school early early in the morning
for chemistry AGAIN
just did this paper and went through it.
boring.... ... ...
and after that i straight away went for tutition
@ Mrs.Towey's i ran!!! from school
to her place NEAR but..
its been ages since i ran with my FATS
it all includes FRIED MARS BARS(upsize), bacon-cheese sandwiches, mufffins of all kind, island cremery-ice cream + mudpies, beef fillet with bacon, sausauges ...etc. *DROOLs
and i like darll's shirt alright RANDOM!
oh darll back from Shanghai..
[she telling me her experience of the people there makes me DON'T wanna go Shanghai, anyway i dont like china people too.. all so rude(no offence..BUT.ya)SCARYY!!]
after tuition DAD picked me.
(oh i ate nutella ice cream)
we went to swiss butchery[sp?] to get meat!
lol.this beef fillet with bacon ... oh my YUMS!
and sausauges..mustard ..bla bla
went back and cook!
my dad and I, The un-Chefed[my word! dont ask!]
we didnt know what to do anyway it was just a buy back and experiment thing.
lols.[oh i saw chuan yu at coro bus-stop when dad drove pass]so i just heated up the pan
put a little olive. and wait for it to heat up a little
and i thong-ed the beef down.
it went PARHHHSSSHHHH!!!***sizzles.
ohhh...i tell you!! the smell of rosemary, peppercorn, mint just went in my NOSTRILS
YUMMY! i can say..
when you cut into the meat soft and tender. and *fabulouso..
had sausauge too with my SWEET mustard..
then i had to pack my study room.
went up it took me 2 entire OWLS(lol.) i mean HOURS to pack
but its quite neat now. *GRINS+a pat on my back GOOD JOB jOy*
except .... my STUFFs area lol. acessories,toner,moisturiser,tags, etc..bla NONSENSE
i think i will pack it tomorrow.i hope (later i mean)
dont think i will be meetin south at kap.
i have done my nails. :))
nice i think its black and pale purple.
a little uneven but what can you get?? i am NOT a manicurist.
just now on channel5? oh my i LOVE santino.*YUMS
and Daniel.F is so so so Sweet but he was out.
have you ever aspired to be a designer when watching project runaway?